The IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen (Industrial Association for Plastic Packaging) and RIGK GmbH have launched the INSPIRE initiative to protect existing reuse systems for industrial and commercial packaging.

INSPIRE stands for “Open INitiative for a System Platform for Industrial Reuse-Systems in Europe” and responds to the new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which comes into effect in early 2025.

From 2030, manufacturers and users of certain industrial and commercial packaging must meet extensive reuse obligations for specific packaging formats, including:


Straps for stabilizing and protecting products transported on pallets

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Umreifungsband


Flexible intermediate bulk containers

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Flexible Massengutbehälter

Pallet wrapping

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Palettenumhüllung


Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icon Fass


Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Kübel

Rigid intermediate bulk containers

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons St Massengutbehälter


Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Schalen

Boxes, except those made of cardboard

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Holzkiste

Plastic crates

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Kasten

Foldable plastic boxes

Material zu Wiederverwendung Bestandsschutz durch INSPIRE - Icons Klappbare Kunststoffkiste

However, existing reuse systems are granted grandfathering rights and are considered compliant with the new requirements.

INSPIRE will be established as a non-legal association and is open to system providers, service providers, manufacturers, and users of industrial packaging. It adheres to the principle of secret competition and prevents inadmissible agreements between economic operators.

For INSPIRE registration, a reuse system must:

  1. Provide and enable as many circulation cycles as possible under normally foreseeable conditions of use.
  2. Concern packaging that was designed, developed, and placed on the market with the aim of being reused multiple times for the same purpose for which it was originally intended, can be emptied, unloaded, refilled, or reloaded, can be reconditioned under normal conditions of use, and does not become waste during the circulation cycle.
  3. Comply with requirements regarding food safety and consumer health, safety, and hygiene.
  4. Make organizational, technical, or financial arrangements, that ensure the possibility of reuse. (Actual reuse of each individual package in the system is neither technically possible nor legally required.)
  5. Be available in markets where the packer/filler is responsible for placing the packaged product on the market.
  6. Inform affected economic operators along the value chain.
  7. Have an established and documented governance structure.

As grandfathering rights may only apply to systems existing until the PPWR comes into force in mid/late January 2025, there is an urgent need for action for affected companies.

Therefore, IK will enable registration and thus joining INSPIRE from November 27, 2024.

Additionally, online information events will be held on December 18, 2024, from 10-11 AM (in Englisch)

Join the information event now.

Further information

Statues of the INSPIRE – Open Initiative for a System Platform for Industrial Reuse-Systems in Europe
Grandfathering for existing reuse systems
Registration form reuse system
Requirements for the registration of a reuse system
Reuse requirements for industrial and commercial packaging in the PPWR
Do you still have questions?
Please send us an e-mail.