Innovation is the key to a fully functional circular economy. We promote common solutions – for example in the form of the “Eco Design Round Table”. Optimised processes, the use of fewer resources, and innovation in materials and recycling make packaging more efficient and sustainable.
Plastics packaging has become 25 per cent lighter since 1991. The environmental effect due to material reduction is two to three times higher than through the use of one kilogramme of recyclate.
Wall and film thicknesses have been reduced, material characteristics improved and moulding and processing techniques further developed. At the same time, packages face increasing demands, for example they need to be resealable or allow the product to be portioned.

PackTheFuture Award
With the German-French Packaging Award, we honour particularly sustainable plastic packaging. The 2023 winners are: Category Design for Recycling: ADAPA DACH GmbH, ALBEA SERVICES SAS, APTAR BEAUTY, LEYGATECH, PROFOL GmbH / Design for Recycling Special Award: SIDEL / Special Mention: PEKU Folien GmbH / Category Design for Product Protection: BISCHOF & KLEIN SE, SLEEVER / Category Design for Consumer Benefit/User Friendliness: BISCHOF & KLEIN SE, BERICAP Holding GmbH / Category Design for Reuse: KNAUF INDUSTRIES.